Alan H Rosenstein MD MBA

Disruptive Behavior Specialist

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Understanding Disruptive Behaviors

April 6th, 2016

Through my years of experience working with disruptive behaviors I have learned that many of these types of behaviors are provoked by frustration, dissatisfaction, stress, and burnout. In order to improve behaviors it is essential to gain a better understanding of the factors influencing attitudes and perceptions and provide the necessary support to prevent these types of events from occurring. Many of my more recent articles focus on the importance of addressing stress and burnout and what we can do to help physicians better adjust to the pressures of today’s health care environment. Training in Emotional Intelligence, Resilience, Conflict management, and Stress management, and providing training to improve communication and team collaboration skills will enhance the efficiency of health care relationships which will improve satisfaction and patient care outcomes. Physicians are a precious resource and we need to re-energize their passion for care. Taking a pro-active stance in soliciting direct physician input to gain a better understanding of specific needs and concerns, being responsive to their needs, and providing appropriate administrative, clinical, and emotional support will go a long way in improving physicians satisfaction, engagement, and overall well- being. Please see attached PDF of a sample seminar and review my articles on this topic for more detailed information.

> View Example Presentation


June 12th, 2014

Enabling Behaviors to Enhance MD Satisfaction and Engagment

April 25th, 2014

BEYOND DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIORS: Disruptive Behaviors are at the extreme end of the spectrum of non- compliant activities that can negatively affect staff relationships and patient outcomes of care. Despite years of research and exposure, it’s unfortunately still a serious issue that needs to be addressed. Fortunately, most organizations have put into place policies and procedures to address the issue in an effective manner. While only a small percentage of individuals are truly disruptive, there is a much larger percentage of individuals who are just not as engaged as they need to be either because they are unaware of the situation, poor communicators, on non- compliant with best practice recommendations for coordinated care delivery. In today’s environment of increasing complexity and accountability, getting physicians more involved in care management delivery is crucial for organizational success. Improving engagement is a multi-step process that includes cultural dedication, education, and support. Recognizing th

Physican Engagement: Addressing the Underlying Issues

November 28th, 2012

While disruptive behaviors continue to be an issue of concern, growing tensions and complexities in today’s health care environment have put additional pressures on our physicians to the point where apathy, anger, frustration, stress, burnout, and depression are beginning to affect their willingness and capability to practice medicine. With changing models and structures of care, we need to look at different ways to engage our physicians and help them thrive in today’s world. On one side is to teach them the importance of communication and collaboration in their role as the leader of a multidisciplinary integrated health care team. On the other side we need to address their concerns and provide appropriate administrative, clinical, and counseling support services to help them more effectively deal with the pressures of accountable medical care. Physicians are a precious resource. We need to recognize the toll this takes and work with our physicians to restore their energy and enthusiasm for the practice of medici

Physcian retention: Stress, burnout, organizational fit

November 19th, 2012

We moved from addressing disruptive behaviors and improving lines of communication and collaboration to improve clinical outcomes and patient safety, and now we need to move to helping our physicians do what they want to do i.e. practice good medicine. With the growing demands for physician services, we need to look at physicians as a precious resource. Recent frustrations in the medical environment are causing more stress, frustration, burnout, and dissatisfaction in our physician population resulting in many physicians leaving the profession prematurely. We need to recognize the toll this takes and work with our physicians to restore their energy and enthusiasm for the practice of medicine. We need to take a proactive role in understanding their concerns and provide supporting services to keep them going. This is the next agenda item.

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